Showing results 161 to 170 of 626

provider:utb GmbH  

Curatory Groups
  • utb GmbH (626)
Package name Provider Content Type Title count Last updated
utb: Scholars Philosophie 2022-2
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 21 2024-08-06T07:26:57Z
utb: Scholars Philosophie 2022_1
(Curated by UB Regensburg)
utb GmbH Book 34 2024-08-02T04:15:19Z
utb: Scholars Politikwissenschaft 2020-1 / Backlist Hamburger Edition
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 26 2024-08-06T08:11:45Z
utb: Scholars Politikwissenschaft 2021-1
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 35 2024-08-06T07:55:55Z
utb: Scholars Politikwissenschaft 2021-2
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 27 2024-08-06T07:58:51Z
utb: Scholars Politikwissenschaft 2022-1
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 34 2024-08-06T08:00:24Z
utb: Scholars Politikwissenschaft 2022-2
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 17 2024-08-06T08:04:15Z
utb: Scholars Psychologie 2018 / Backlist Waxmann
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 9 2024-08-07T11:01:50Z
utb: Scholars Psychologie 2019 / Backlist Waxmann
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 9 2024-08-07T11:03:34Z
utb: Scholars Psychologie 2020 / Backlist Waxmann
(Curated by UB Potsdam)
utb GmbH Book 8 2024-08-07T11:04:55Z
* The editing status of this package is marked as 'In Progress'. The number of titles in this package should therefore not be taken as final.