Showing results 451 to 457 of 457


Package name Provider Content Type Title count Last updated
utb: studi-e-book Soziologie 2022-1
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 6 2023-12-02T05:33:55Z
utb: studi-e-book Soziologie 2022-2
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 5 2024-01-15T00:00:02Z
utb: studi-e-book Soziologie 2023-1
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 7 2023-12-11T07:50:29Z
utb: studi-e-book Soziologie 2023-2
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 13 2024-06-16T23:00:00Z
utb: studi-e-book: Lizenzierter Bestand (THWS)
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 567 2023-12-04T16:07:03Z
utb: studi-e-book: Lizenzmodell
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 3128 2024-12-11T00:00:05Z
utb: studi-e-book: Soziale Arbeit 2023-2
(Curated by THWS)
utb GmbH Book 8 2024-03-18T00:00:00Z
* The editing status of this package is marked as 'In Progress'. The number of titles in this package should therefore not be taken as final.