Applied Earth Science : Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy |
- eissn : 2572-6846
- issn : 2572-6838
- ezb : 10592
- zdb : 2951371-6
IMM transactions Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy C Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy |
- eissn : 1743-2855
- issn : 0371-9553
- ezb : 10593
- zdb : 2051038-X
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy : Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy |
- eissn : 2572-665X
- issn : 0371-9553
- ezb : 10593
- zdb : 2951377-7
IMM transactions Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining A Mining technology |
- eissn : 1743-2863
- issn : 0371-7844
- ezb : 10591
- zdb : 2051040-8
Mining Technology : Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy |
- eissn : 2572-6676
- issn : 2572-6668
- ezb : 10591
- zdb : 2951356-X