Showing results 51 to 60 of 117


Package name Provider Content Type Title count Last updated
IAEE: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
IAEE Journal 1 2022-03-04T12:15:55Z
IBFD: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
IBFD Journal 5 2022-09-15T14:31:31Z
IGI Global InfoSci Journals Archive 2000-2015: Nationallizenz
(Curated by ZBW)
IGI Global Journal 160 2024-07-01T17:09:40Z
IGI Global InfoSci-Journals: Konsortiallizenz
(Curated by ZBW)
IGI Global Journal 223 2023-09-05T11:23:33Z
INFORMS: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Journal 15 2023-02-09T15:11:44Z
Il Mulino: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
Casalini Libri Journal 5 2024-08-07T13:21:52Z
Inderscience: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
Inderscience Enterprises Journal 153 2024-09-11T07:26:05Z
Institute of Management Accountants: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
Institute of Management Accountants Journal 1 2022-03-04T12:17:25Z
International Association of Management, Spirituality & Religion: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
International Association of Management, Spirituality & Religion Journal 1 2022-03-04T12:17:43Z
MISRC: E-Journals (ZBW)
(Curated by ZBW)
MIS Research Center Journal 1 2022-03-04T12:17:58Z
* The editing status of this package is marked as 'In Progress'. The number of titles in this package should therefore not be taken as final.